Louis and the capital, Jefferson City, but also to restore the pro-secessionist government driven from the state three years before. They intended not only to disrupt the functioning government through seizure of St. The Confederates, believing that Missourians wanted liberation from Union forces, had planned a two-phase campaign. This term was also used by Confederates to minimize their lack of military success. The Union tried to downplay its underestimation of the Confederate buildup of troops by supplanting the term campaign with the impromptu raid. The Federal forces initially underestimated the numbers heading for Missouri and then called in troops from Illinois and Kansas, amassing 65,000 to 75,000 troops and militia members. Along the way, he picked up additional troops the most exaggerated estimates place Price’s troop numbers at 15,000. Price marched Confederate troops 1,500 miles into Missouri, five times as far as his Union counterparts who met him in the incursion. Lause fills this long-standing gap in the literature, providing keen insights on the problems encountered during and the myths propagated about this campaign. Involving tens of thousands of armed men, the 1864 Missouri campaign has too long remained unexamined by a book-length modern study, but now, Civil War scholar Mark A. Price’s Raid was the common name for the Missouri campaign led by General Sterling Price.

This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.In the fall of 1864, during the last brutal months of the Civil War, the Confederates made one final, desperate attempt to rampage through the Shenandoah Valley, Tennessee, and Missouri. All information is up-to-date as of April 24, 2023. Then, the cities were sorted by the largest YoY change. For a California city to qualify it had to have a positive change in YoY and YTD changes. Methodology: To find the California cities where housing values are rising the most, GoBankingRates used the Zillow Home Value Index for single-family homes to find the year-over-year and the year-to-date changes.

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